Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The job, The Menace

Well I think I've found one but it will be a while until the cash starts to flow. Might not post for awhile but, I'll be lurking around... Wish me luck, send positive karma, pray for me, and send me a hug whammy.


The Stiltwalker said...

best of luck to you! (if you don't get anything you can come and be my personal assistant *wink* *wink*)

Red said...

Think PoSiTiVe thoughts!
Remember some things are out of your control so you move along get-er-done and be happy.
Maybe Minx can be persuaded to help you through this????

Evil Minx said...


I came here to innocently comment and wish you the very best. And then i see that Red up there thinks i'm some kinda magician... oy gevalt!

Menace -- if i could wave my minxy wand and get you a job, i would. You know it. But since i can't, i'm sending all the positive vibes i can to you, wherever you are.

Go get 'em, tiger.

Evil Minx said...

And i would just like to make it very clear -- I am not the latest lost love of whom the Menace writes.

I'm the Menace's blogpal, and nothing more.

CreativeGym said...

Red: Minx helps me through her writing. Great reads you should visit and consume some of the ambrosia. I only know her here in this world as I know you only here in this world.

Minxy: Thanks, and I apologize if I made my first shot at erotica sound like you were involved in any other way except to inspire my writing the story.