Thursday, May 04, 2006

Lost Love Returns:(for a moment)

I was feeling sorry for myself, depressed and very unsure of my life’s direction after what’s happened with the job.

But, things do tend to work themselves out and I am a true believer of “EVERY THING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.”

My latest love lost called me the other day and said, “Hey, how are you?” So I confessed that my wallet is a hell of a lot lighter than it should be and I’m in a hustle to find new income opportunities. She could tell that I was not my normal pleasant, fun, loving self.

The Big Surprise!

“How about I come over for a couple hours?” she asked with a slight twinkle in her voice. Within nano-seconds my brain and loins were completely on fire! I hadn’t had some REAL fun in about two weeks and wow, was I horny! “Sure I said come over and I’ll cook some dinner and we can hang out for a while.” (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

When she arrived her whole body completely captivated me. It reminded me of the first time I met her. She is completely the most beautiful woman I have ever known. She has soft hair, smooth tan skin, and always wears a cute outfit. But most of all her fragrance. She doesn’t wear perfume. She just has an outstanding, sexy smell about her that completely turns me on beyond words. She knows we could never be friends, because we are so physically attracted to each other, we know we HAVE to be naked.

After we kissed each other, hugged and spoke a few words, we went out to the back porch. I have a very private back area that has views of forest and a valley of about 150 acres of just fields. Needless to say, She wanted the MENACE! The MENACE wanted her! She unzipped my pants, pulled them down exposing my half erect cock, got on her knees and began licking, sucking and rubbing. (My dog looked on with amazement) She stopped only for a moment, stood up and whispered in my ear. “I need you inside me.”

We went back into the house taking off our clothes along the way, by the time we got to my bedroom, we were naked and I could see her pussy glistening with delight. YUM!!!!

We just sat on the bed looking into each others eyes stroking each other, becoming more and more excited, more and more wanting, more and more connected. “Please get inside me.” She said as the room spun around my head. As I entered her we both could feel the intense fire that always flows between us. As we make love, she is completely multi-orgasmic and when she does cum she squirts out the sweetest tasting cum I have ever known. We’ve been lovers for some time, we both have to use waterproof mattress covers on our beds because there is so much sweet stuff! We continued on for, well I never have been able to keep track of time when I’m with her. I guess it was almost dark. Then she left.

I miss her. I Love her. I wish she would just be mine. I guess a gift like this was never meant to be. I do thank God I know her and I’m sure she thanks God for me. Damn I miss her so much when she leaves. I know she has her reasons for not committing. I pray that someday we’ll be able to work all the other bullshit out.

Thanks Minxy…. You inspired me today…..


Evil Minx said...

I'm incredibly touched, and more than a little honoured, Menace.

How very sweet, and very flattering of you. Thank you.

The Stiltwalker said...

damn. I'm jealous and happy for you all at the same time. So what's keeping you two apart? Oh wait, is that her up there? whoa..........hopefully you DO work things out, whatever that may be. sounds like something's there.

The Stiltwalker said...

oh wait, was the Minx reference totally unrelated to the hot sex? aw shit.

CreativeGym said...

Minx: Your posting sent waves of images through my head. damn.. Wow!

Stilt: She wants some independence. I guess I don't blame her. I "have issues" with being in a sexual relationship with her as she goes out and has sex with other guys too. Am I old fashioned? Insecure? Afraid of STDs? (yes)....

deestract said...

Hiya. Haven't been by your blog in a while. This post caught my eye. ahem. I miss sex... So good tale. Like stilt, I'm jealous/happy at the same time. Hope things work out for all arenas. =-)