Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Menacing Message for the Ladies

Why is it that it’s ok for you ladies out there to take, take, take everything you can get out of us Dicks and be ok with cutting off the relationship completely when you get bored, or if we offend you once or twice. Jesus, fucking Christ, you would think just because you got a warm wet thing that you have the ALL the power, well guess what?

I will not be motivated by some sexy bitch anymore just ‘cause she’s got a warm wet thing ‘tween the legs. Cause I can get all the pussy I need!

I will not give, give, give… until I know that you have an actual interest in ME as a human being that is quite likely to do anything for you…. All I want is acknowledgment, respect, Fun, a partner to frolic through life with, an occasional sincere “thank you” and a good mutually satisfying piece of ass.

I will not ignore the signposts along the way of any future relationship, pay attention to them and bail out before I SHIT out another $10K on a bitch that just wants a temporary free ride. While she plays the part of “Oh, I really care for you. I have never met anyone so nice, with such a great dick and felt so connected”… Bull Shit!!!!

A warm wet thing will NOT define me.

I will not let a pussy sway me to give jack shit....JUST TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS! DAMN!!!

I’m sick and tired of bitches that have the intellect of a flea, and THINK they have the “Spiritual Gift” of Mother Teresa, the “intelligence” of Madame Currie and the "sexual prowess" of Amber Lynn.

I will not be defined or manipulated by a bitch that thinks or says:“You would be better if you would just…. (Fill in the blank)" …. Fuck ‘em I am who I am.

This is who I am:

I am a very good looking single middle aged man
I have the ideal job working at home
I have the means to be comfortable
I am a very giving person and care very deeply for those that I love.
I am a gentleman in the classic sense of the word. I open doors, I compliment good looks, and I notice changed hairstyles. I love to shop with a woman, for clothes, bras, fuck damn near anything,
I have good taste in all of the above.
I know how to fit a bra on woman… (Opra taught me on her show one day and it’s a fun exercise.)
I only drink socially.
I give to who ever needs something if I can, in any way help them.
I can be trusted with secrets
I have a very balanced way of approaching disputes. I always consider the other side of any argument.
I am a great lover. I LOVE to make my partner feel good and never approach sex with selfish motives.
I am a great friend to have. I would die for only a few people, BUT I also know they would die for me.
I am understanding, negotiable, and ONE HELL OF A GOOD TIME!

Ok, I got that shit out of my system and now I must get back to work and forget about ‘da Bitch that I have allowed to effect me in such a negative way. I will let go. Why can’t she see the real me? Maybe she does and just doesn’t think she’s worthy, Fuck I don’t know, I just know that this is a great exercise in letting go of some real bad Shit… Thanks for listening.
The Menace Within………………………..


The Stiltwalker said...

I will not give, give, give… until I know that you have an actual interest in ME as a human being that is quite likely to do anything for you… All I want is acknowledgment, respect, Fun, a partner to frolic through life with, an occasional sincere “thank you” and a good mutually satisfying piece of ass (amen)...
“Oh, I really care [like] you. I have never met anyone so nice, [you're smart and accomplished, BUT]”… Bull Shit!!!!...
A warm [long] wet [hard] thing will NOT define me...
I’m sick and tired of [men] that have the intellect of a flea...
I will not be defined or manipulated by a bitch [man] that thinks or says:“You would be better if you would just…. (Fill in the blank)" …. Fuck ‘em I am who I am.

I feel the same damn joke. I'm done with these stupid men who are looking for a free ride in my draws, are ignorant as hell, rely on their moms to take care of them, make babies all over the Earth that they can't and don't take care of, don't make enough money to buy my dog's food for 3 months, are simultaneously boring and ugly as hell. And then they want to act like the world owes them something. They can all kiss my ass. I'll sit and be alone than go through some bullshit with a man again. I'm the prize, NOT YOU.

(maybe we should hook up menace,;))

CreativeGym said...

Stilt: We could but.... sans the contract.. I don't shower after sex, I LOVE the sweet smell of success!

The Stiltwalker said...

ok that could be my one exception. but atleast let me wipe you off with some wet ones, lol.

CreativeGym said...

Stilt: I guess the wipes could start round two..Sounds fun!

Madame Chiang said...

now you've got that off your you feel a little better...??!!!

CreativeGym said...

Yes Madame I do. What a great exsercisim of negativity!!